3 Reasons To Use SMS Marketing in 2020

07/29/2020 09:50 AM By Angela

3 Reasons To Use SMS Marketing in 2020
With the first text message sent in 1992 and launched widely in the Philippines in 1998, Short Message Sevice (SMS) almost feels like ancient technology. It's normal to think twice about how relevant SMS is over 20 years later. Many millenials don't even give friends and contacts their phone numbers, opting for digital messaging on social media channels instead for communication.

However, it's possibly because of this that SMS remains a strong channel to reach customers. While many people have mobile phones (there are 159% mobile connections compared to the local population--many Filipinos own more than one mobile phone), not everyone will have data--locally, only 86% have data connectivity.

SMS marketing has previously been seen negatively due to the harmful practices of untargeted, invasive SMS blasts. However, a careful and thoughtful approach to using SMS to approach your customers will be beneficial to any business. Combining SMS with other marketing tools like email or digital messaging can provide a reliable, scalable communication experience to your customers.

Not yet convinced? Here are 3 reasons to start using SMS marketing in 2020.

Reason #1 - SMS has High Open Rates

Email, one of the most popular communication tools in marketing, only has a 15-20% open rate, while text messages are opened anywhere from 82.1% to 98%. You would sooner find people with zero unread text messages than zero unread email, and for good reason.

Text messages are shorter and more straightforward, easy to skim and take action on if needed. People give their mobile numbers only to select individuals, making it a more intimate medium.

Of course, this intimacy also means recipients are more sensitive to breaches of trust when it comes to SMS. They are more likely to be irritated with unwanted and unsolicited messaging.

Reason #2 - Fast Delivery

An SMS call to action is quick to write and finish--after all, you only have to worry about the words and the message length. There are no designs to sign off on, or additional media you need to provide.

But SMS is also fast when it comes to results--90% of text messages are read within 3 minutes of receipt. Potentially 90% of your recipients have seen your offer and taken action on it. That’s an unprecedented number for any marketing tool.

Reason #3 - Encourages Two-Way Interactions

SMS is intimate and designed for two-way interactions. This is perfect for when your business needs quick confirmation, like for appointments and reservations. Your recipients are already in the frame of mine to address a text message, and you can leverage that with thoughtful updates.

Businesses can use this in more ways than providing delivery updates and reservation confirmations. Perhaps offering mobile exclusives can help build a loyal audience (as long as recipients have opted into your offerings). Building more intimate relationships will help you retain and grow your customer base.

Don’t Ignore SMS in 2020

SMS is the often-overlooked tool in any marketer’s arsenal. Don’t let its plain looks and mature years fool you: it is a strong contender for any business looking to maximize its marketing tactics.

Its high open rates, fast delivery, and great engagement is unprecedented for marketing channels. Discerning businesses who harness SMS marketing well will see long-term benefits to customer loyalty.